Hello Parents,
Is your child new to the sport of soccer? Here is a helpful equipment list for you.
Equipment List
SHIN GUARDS: Shin guards are an absolute requirement for games and practices. If you are unsure of how to wear the shin guards, ask your coach or a Board Member. You must have soccer socks that cover the shin guards.
SOCCER CLEATS: Soccer cleats are recommended, but not required for U6-U10 Recreation. Baseball or football cleats with square or rectangular cleats are not allowed for soccer. Soccer cleats for most recreational play must be rubber or molded plastic (no metal cleats). Soccer cleats do not have a toe cleat. Competitive U9 and older teams must wear soccer cleats. U11 and Up Recreation teams must wear soccer cleats, also.
WATER BOTTLE: (with player’s name on it) Fresh water should be available to your players at each practice and game. It is easier for the coach if each player provides his or her own water bottle.
SHIRTS, SOCKS, SHORTS: U6-U10: Jerseys are provided by the league (red/white reversible jersey). Players will need to have their own shorts(any color, but many choose black), shin guards, socks and shoes. For U11 and Up a whole uniform is provided: 2 jerseys, shorts and socks. They will need their own shin guards and cleats. Competitive players also get a full uniform kit.
MOSQUITO SPRAY & SUNSCREEN: (optional, but a good idea when needed)
If you are unsure as to how to have a successful season with Idaho Inferno, read over our Spectator Code of Conduct information to ensure the smoothest season possible.
Please read our Uniform Policy (click here).
Please also read the Soccer Club Commitment Information
A Parent’s Role in Soccer
Parents: What can you do to make the game of soccer more enjoyable for your children….and other people’s kids too?
· Provide transportation to/from all practices and games ensuring that the player is prompt not only in arriving but also his/her departure.
· Stay and watch practices as well as games, and lend the young players your support in a positive manner.
· If unable to attend the practice or game, encourage your child not to talk with or leave practices or games with strangers.
· Ensure that your child brings equipment to and from all soccer games and practices when appropriate.
· Be available to kick the ball around with your child when you are invited to do so.
· Avoid material awards. Build an attitude of “the rewards lie in the fun of being able to play”.
· Be a good listener. Make them feel important and let them know that they are contributing to a team effort.
· Be knowledgeable of the game.
· Encourage fair play at home.
· Be respectful; expect your own children to be respectful.
· Support the coach’s and referee’s decisions.
· Communication between coach and parent is important.
· Concentrate on praising other people’s children during games.