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Parking Compliance

Inferno Parents and Coaches,

The City of Caldwell has informed us of some major parking issues at Brothers Park.  As you know, the City is currently developing Sisters Park.  Irrigation lines and sprinklers have already been installed, and the Parks Department will be preparing the field for planting as soon as weather permits.  As such, no one is permitted to park or drive across the open area at Sisters Park.  No one is permitted to park or drive on the access road, either.  Damage to the irrigation system at Sisters will cause delays and extra cost not covered in the budget for the park.  

The City of Caldwell and Inferno Soccer Club are reminding everyone that parking is ONLY permitted in designated stalls in the parking lot.  Other than the parking lot, everyone can park out on the street and walk to the soccer fields.

Please plan accordingly.

Thank you for being mindful and respectful to our fantastic soccer fields.  We are truly grateful to the Parks Department for all they do for us and our community.

Idaho Inferno Soccer Club.